“Busted” (Cape buffalo) by Rick Taylor

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The African Cape Buffalo is recognized as one of the largest and most dangerous of all African big game. Whether a solitary bull or a whole herd , when one encounters this animal one must realize who is the hunter and who is the hunted.  Here we have a large bull testing the wind and if that dreaded human scent wafts past his nostrils he will either flee or charge.  To quote Robert Ruark, the “Cape Buffalo looks at you, like you owe him money”.  This limited edition bronze is 21″ long and is mounted on fine walnut wood. Edition limited to 48. $7900. includes shipping in US and Canada.

“El Patron” (Desert Sheep) by Rick Taylor

click twice to enlarge

The Limited Editon Bronze entitled “El Patron” is one of a set of four rams each depicting the current world record sheep species.  These sculptures can be free standing or used as book-ends.  “El Patron” stands 10 inches tall and is mounted on fine walnut wood.  Edition is limited to 98. $2900. includes shipping in US and Canada.

“Blue Water Blue” (Blue Marlin) by Rick Taylor

The artists in Cabo, 1989.

The giant billfish of the deep blue oceans thrill sportsmen when they are hooked and rocket skyward like acrobats.  This blue marlin is neither the largest nor the smallest of the species but one of the most majestic.  “Blue Water Blue” has an enhanced color patina  and is mounted on a deluxe double laminated marble base.  A great alternative when space will not allow for the lifesize souvenir of your trip.  This piece is about 13″ tall. The edition is limited to 48.  $6900 USD  includes delivery in US and Canada

“King of the Altai”, Ullaanbaatar, Mongolia. 2006. Rick Taylor and sponsors place monument as a tribute to the future of Mongolia.

Click to enlarge.

Sponsor plaque at "King of the Altai" monument site. Thank you sponsors!

Rick Taylor receives the Silver Star of Freedom from Mongolian dignitaries for his contribution to the Mongolian people.

The future of Mongolia.

The making of "High in the Altai" in Calgary, Alberta.

With of the success of the North American Wild Sheep monument program, Rick Taylor monuments garnered international attention.  The Mongolian ambassador to Canada contacted Rick in British Columbia and traveled from Ottawa to Kaslo to discuss a project to create a bronze monument of the mighty High Altai Argali.  Knowing that Rick had already traveled twice to Mongolia , and was familiar with Ulanbataar , the ambassador suggested another trip to find a suitable location and do some field research.  On that trip it was decided that the park in front of the Natural History Museum would be ideal and Rick returned home to make the maquette in one- third scale.  At that years hunters’ conventions he found twenty five sponsors who’s purchase of the smaller maquette funded the making of the monument.  The next year, the monument was shipped by container to Mongolia, through China and in September of 2006, Rick and his crew returned for a fourth time to Ulanbataar   for the installation.  During the dedication of the bronze monument Rick was awarded the Presidential Silver Star of Freedom by mayor of the city, a huge honor indeed.  The event was covered by the local television channel and caused much excitement as many city dwellers had never heard of the mighty Argali sheep or the role that sportsman play in the protection of their national treasure.

“Old Trails, New Tales” by Rick Taylor

The artist’s inspiration for “Old Trails”.

“Old Trails, New Tales” (detail)

“Old Trails, New Tales” (detail).

“Old Trails, New Tales” (detail)

One of the great things in life is a traditional horseback hunt with a pack train.  The freedom to move camps and travel unencumbered is wonderful.  If one is lucky enough to collect a trophy the pack horses enable its recovery and transportation.  In this sculpture “Old Trails, New Tails” you can imagine that you are following your guide who is leading a pack horse which has your trophies as a top load.  Rick will customize this sculpture to display either moose, deer, sheep, elk or which ever combination you chose.  This sculpture features the methods of the traditional hunt and is beautiful from every side.  It is 27″ long and is mounted on walnut.  Edition limited to 48.  $18,000 USD  includes shipping and crating in US and Canada.

“One Last Look” (Trans caspian urials) by Rick Taylor

“One Last Look” ( Trans Caspian Urials) by Rick Taylor

Limited Edition Cast Bronze sculpture “One Last Look” (Trans Caspian Urials) by Rick Taylor.  This piece depicts three transcaspian urials as they begin their descent after detecting danger close by.  The top urial takes a moment to have that one last look.  The color enhanced bronze sculputre is mounted on a walnut base with built-in turntable.  This piece is 15 inches tall, Edition limited to 48. $5800. US includes shipping in US and Canada. Please call to order.

“Man is a Hunter” (Mammoth and Hunters) by Rick Taylor

The title “Man is a Hunter” says it all.  Human beings evolved as hunter gatherers and devised ingenious tools and methodology to overcome huge physical challenges.  Man developed hundreds of techniques to kill animals for their survival.  Here is a scene from 25,000 years ago as ancient hunters with “Clovis point ” stone tipped spears attempt to harvest a wooly mammoth, a common animal of the grassland steppes.  During this interglacial period, human beings and wildlife crossed a land bridge which is now the Bering Sea and spread southward across the North American Continent.   Many fossils and frozen remains of wooly mammoths are unearthed annually.  Sometimes intact tusks up to 12 feet long are uncovered.  Broken ivory is made into small objects and is legal to trade.  “Man is a Hunter” bears a  scrimshawed fossilized mammoth ivory tag.  This limited edition bronze sculpture is especially coveted by those who collect the ancient wooly mammoth artifacts as it tells the story of the hunt from a prehistoric perspective. Human beings are genetically predisposed to hunt and still today carry on that tradition although our modern tools now favor the hunter rather than the hunted.   “Man is a Huntert” has an enhanced color patina and stands 21″ tall.  The edition is limited to 48. $18,000 USD includes crating and shipping is US and Canada.  THIS EDITION IS SOLD OUT

“Ibex Hunter” by Rick Taylor

Golden eagles are found throughout the world.  In Asia, the giant Steppe Eagle patrols the mountains picking off unweary marmots, foxes, sheep and ibex.  On a recent trip to Iran, Rick witnessed an eagle dive three times at a lone ibex billy testing the animals vitality.  But, this healthy billy would rise up on his hind leg and slash at the eagle.  In the end, they both went their own way. This sculpture could be customized to reflect either Siberian ibex horns or Persian horns.   Cast bronze mounted on a two tier fine walnut base,  this piece is 21″ tall. Edition limited to 48. $7900 USD includes shipping in US and Canada.   THIS EDITION IS SOLD OUT.

“Ibex Hunter” (detail)

“Ibex Hunter” (detail).

“Ibex Hunter” by Rick Taylor

Photo by Kathy Douglas